Oh yeah…those voices! Uniquely, it’s just a sign that we need to answer that call. Those voices that tell us to live out our true purpose in life:)
Me? Yes, you!!!
According to dictionary.com, calling is defined as “a strong impulse or inclination.” Admittedly, I asked myself the above…several times.
For example, when I heard my calling, I decided to write down what I was hearing in my productivity planner. In reality, it was my way of wanting confirmation of what I was being called to do. The truth is, those voices you hear will continue until you answer your calling.
At the same time you are hearing your calling, self-doubt may occur. That other voice that tells you that you don’t have the ability to do what it is you are being called to do. These moments are crucial because, at those moments, you need to use that negativity as motivation.
Even though it may feel as though all odds are against you to achieve your dreams, keep pushing forward no matter what obstacles you may face along the way. If anything, once you accomplish whatever it is that you are being called to do, you will be able to inspire others. Always remember, the possibilities are endless!
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